Senin, 09 Oktober 2017

Basketball is in and Boy is it Time For a Little Humor

Are you looking for a book to cheer you up and make you laugh? Well, you are not alone, as a recent psychological study on the American People indicated that our population is over stressed due to this recent Global Financial Crisis. What you need is a little humor in your life, well since Basket ball is in due to the election of a basketball playing President, why not hook up with a bit laughter about the game?

May I be so bold as to recommend a very good basket ball humor book? I was fortunate enough to meet one of the authors recently during my travels. The book had me in stitches from the first page. The book is:

"Basketball Humor" by Charles Hellman and Robert Tiritilli - Self Published, LuckySports, Palm Desert, CA - $4.95 ISBN 978-0-935938-38-8

This book is a wonderfully illustrated basketball humor book that will have you on the floor laughing in no time. It is 32-pages of absolutely gut wrenching humor. Even if you are not a solid basketball player or lack the level of skills in the NBA or of our famous celebrity created President, you'll still love this book.

Indeed, it is perfect for a gift too, especially if you have basketball players in your family, all of us have at least one. I showed this book to a basketball player in our family and she absolutely loved it, she was cracking up and it was fun to see her having such a good time. She's a great basketball player and even says she can easily take on the president and beat him with one hand. Think on this.

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