Senin, 30 Oktober 2017

Eczema Treatment and Inflammation Nation Book Review

Inflammation Nation was written by Floyd H. Chilton, Ph.D. and explains common inflammatory diseases and their causes. A good portion of the book is dedicated to eczema, which is dermatitis or skin inflammation. Many of those dealing with the disease could benefit from Dr. Chilton's explanation of eczema which not only dives into the "how to" but also the "whys" of the disease.

I was particularly impressed with three aspects of the book. One was his detailed explanation of the common causes of inflammation in the U.S. He presents information which points to things that most of eat, drink and do which are causing issues. If you've wondered why you've come down with eczema, then this book is for you.

Also equally as impressive was his systematical and extremely logical approach to eczema treatment. He gives you fundamental steps that you can take to reduce your overall risk for the disease, as well as steps to take rid yourself of eczema if you are already having issues. I tend to be drawn towards very practical ideas, and his book is chalk full of them.

Third, he presents a list of other issues and inflammatory diseases that are common because of the same reasons. I was particularly surprised and how often illnesses I've suffered could be related to simple, fixable issues that have put me at higher risk.

If you're looking for a great overall book on eczema inflammation and eczema treatment, then Inflammation Nation by Dr. Chilton may be the book you've been waiting to read.

Senin, 23 Oktober 2017

K-12 Virtual Education - Making Sense of Online Curriculum Development & Virtual Teaching

I must say for a textbook this is a gripping read! Lynnette Porters "Developing an Online Curriculum" is in a class of its own. It is perfectly evident that a lot of thought went into the building of this very practical text. If you are a teacher or are planning to have anything to do with online education you must give this one a go! Porter methodically takes you on a journey behind the scenes in Online Education. Understanding the thought process behind creating online curriculum helps you develop an appreciation for the lengthy process of online delivery from creation to teaching and learning.

So much will be learned in the arena of online learning in the next 20 years. We will inevitably be in a very different place but I do believe that many of the core ideas raised in Porters book will stand the test of time.

"Interaction and socialization are keys to effective online education."

Incredibly throughout her book she references how to best deliver the materials you create. This focus is of course so very important as creating content that is not practical and has no benefit for the learner is a waste of time. Her emphasis on creating social and interactive online experiences shoes her dedication to effective teaching practices.

Porters text is not a boring regurgitation of technical verbage!. Her use of straightforward language makes this text a hugely user friendly guide! She offers tools to enable successful online teaching practice. She covers everything from teachers roles, learning styles, online communications, facilitating chat rooms, class projects and more. Her detailed sections on teacher student communications would benefit any teacher online or otherwise.

I have developed online classrooms and I found this book to be an absolute gem. It really had me understand all that I must encompass in my own online teaching practice to successfully and effectively share knowledge.

Often textbooks covering specialist subjects become an ego trip for the author. It is entirely refreshing to see experts understanding that everyone would like the opportunity to use the information they are sharing! Thanks Lynette for keeping it real and useful.

Senin, 16 Oktober 2017

How to Sell Your Comic Books From the 50's and 60's

With the recent interest by hollywood in comic books from the 50's and 60's and 70's and with the blockbuster box office hits like "Spiderman", "The X-men", "The Hulk", "The Punisher" and "The Fantastic Four", just to name a few, comic buyers and collectors have been frantically looking for the best way to get there comics to the market place. One of the main reasons for this renewed interest is that there's a whole new generation buyers that are just beginning to take notice of all things old. Have you noticed all the teenagers that have "found" The Beatles?

So, every collector knows about Comic Con and being able to sell their books to the local store or selling wholesale, retail, placing ads, trying eBay or Yahoo or even direct mail. But, EVERYONE knows about these same avenues so how do you stand out or even appear to be novel in such a saturated market? You need to know what the insiders and big players know. They aren't placing classified ads or renting booths at the local comic book show. No, they don't need to. They have systems and secrets that most comic book buyers and sellers never get in on!

It's Clobbering Time!
They know how to stop looking for buyers and actually have the buyers looking for them! Novel idea, eh? And most of them can do it anytime they feel like it. The big dogs with comic books from the 50's and 60's don't waste their time and money hanging posters on telephone poles or bulletin boards.

Well, Alan Lamont's "Comic Selling Secrets System" finally reveals just how it's done in REAL world of comic book buyers and collectors. Promoting a product that's not sold in stores he takes you through, step by step, the process that teaches you:

    How to pick winners before they become "the next hot" item
    Comic and Titles that you should have and KEEP
    How to package even the most difficult comics to sell so the sell even faster
    How to make money GIVING away comics for free
    How to get people to buy comics at YOUR price
    And much more...

Coming from a background where he's been collecting comic books for 21 years and ending up with over 400 boxes in his collection with 300 books per box, he relates how he got fed up with the comic cons, ads, auctions and trade shows and was ready to trash them all when he came upon a collector that knew how to move "hard to sell" collections. Now, he's taken those shared ideas and turned them into a book for the average joe collector that's frustrated trying to make his way through all the turmoil and confusion.

This is remarkable resource for anyone with comic books from the 50's and 60's and 70's that wants to capitalize on all of the excitement (and basically free advertising) being generated by the fine folks in Hollywood!

Senin, 09 Oktober 2017

Basketball is in and Boy is it Time For a Little Humor

Are you looking for a book to cheer you up and make you laugh? Well, you are not alone, as a recent psychological study on the American People indicated that our population is over stressed due to this recent Global Financial Crisis. What you need is a little humor in your life, well since Basket ball is in due to the election of a basketball playing President, why not hook up with a bit laughter about the game?

May I be so bold as to recommend a very good basket ball humor book? I was fortunate enough to meet one of the authors recently during my travels. The book had me in stitches from the first page. The book is:

"Basketball Humor" by Charles Hellman and Robert Tiritilli - Self Published, LuckySports, Palm Desert, CA - $4.95 ISBN 978-0-935938-38-8

This book is a wonderfully illustrated basketball humor book that will have you on the floor laughing in no time. It is 32-pages of absolutely gut wrenching humor. Even if you are not a solid basketball player or lack the level of skills in the NBA or of our famous celebrity created President, you'll still love this book.

Indeed, it is perfect for a gift too, especially if you have basketball players in your family, all of us have at least one. I showed this book to a basketball player in our family and she absolutely loved it, she was cracking up and it was fun to see her having such a good time. She's a great basketball player and even says she can easily take on the president and beat him with one hand. Think on this.

Senin, 02 Oktober 2017

The Everything Homeschooling Book

Have you ever wondered how many hours a day that your child should be schooling? Or what schedule would be best for your family? Maybe you're in need of a change in the way you school to bring that excitement back again? How about those of you who are nervous about homeschooling in the teen years? Would you like a list of websites to use in your schooling? If you'd like a book about EVERYTHING, then you may want to read this book.

So just what is the answer to how many hours a day your child does need to school? "Even though most traditional school days are approximately six hours long, you and your child won't need to sit at a desk in your home for five or six hours each day. Some states may require you to keep a daily schedule and attendance record, showing that you homeschool a certain number of hours a day, 180 days a year, but the hours and days can be flexible. Chapter 8 of this book talks more about daily schedules and record keeping. On average, the time required to focus on core skills (reading, math, language arts, social studies, and science) can be broken down per age group as follows:

* Preschool and kindergarten: 30 to 60 minutes
* Elementary ages: 60 - 90 minutes
* Middle-school ages: 1 1/2 to 3 hours
* High-school ages: 2 to 4 hours

The Everything Homeschooling Book provides up-to-date information on: State homeschool departments of education, religious and secular homeschooling, sources for curriculum guidelines by grade level, packaged curriculum programs, homeschooling multiple children, and the list goes on, and on.